Blooming Rose Rooibos Latte

It blooms within a moment
of silence of the mind.
Where the soul expands,
beyond the matter it's held inside.

This is why we are here;
a space for words
a space for food
a space for imagery
a space for creation, for magic, for love.

May the stillness in your soul,
find the space
to bloom,
to expand, 
to be.

You are so welcomed."

Blooming Rose Rooibos Latte


For the latte

1 cup soy or almond milk
2 teaspoons sugar or stevia
1 1/2 teaspoon rooibos tea latte
1 tablespoon rose water 

For the rose infused sprinkles

3 tablespoons rose coloured sprinkles
1 tablespoon rose petals

How to create it

In a milk frother add all ingredients for the latte in the order mentioned. Start the frothing process to your desired temperature. This is the best option for the creamiest latte.

An alternative is to include all the ingredients in a pan over medium-low heat and stir well using a whisk until all ingredients are well combined.

For the sprinkles, in a pestle and mortar add both the sprinkles and the rose petals. Combine both the rose petal and sprinkles treading slightly.

Serve blooming rose rooibos latte warm topped with rose infused sprinkles.

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